

Activation Windows 7

Force activation of Aero in Windows 7

If you are experiencing problems with activating and run Aero in windows 7 you can try the Aero Peek hack for Windows 7. Read more to learn how.

1. Open the registry (Write regedit in run)

2.Navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ DWM
If the DWM key is not found in the registry, right click on the Windows folder and pick New -> Key and calll it DWM.

3. In the second detail window to the right, a new DWORD (32-bit value) has to be made, with the name UseMachineCheck, this has to be set to 0.

4. In the same detail window to the right a new DWORD (32-bit value) is created with the name Blur, and this has to be set to 0 as well.

5. In the end a new DWORD (32-bit value) has to be made with the name Animations, this again has to be set to 0.

6. Restart Desktop Window Manager Session Manager in Services in Controlpanel: Write services.msc in the Run field (windows button + r) or use the following commands in a command prompt with administrator rights.

7. You can now try to activate and use Windows Aero in Windows 7. Restart the computer if needed.


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